The European Educational Researcher

Advantages and Disadvantages of Eportfolio Implementation in Primary Education

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 1-15
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 3050 DOWNLOADS: 3586 Publication date: 15 Feb 2019
The research presented in this article attempts to capture the views of teachers of elementary education about the advantages, disadvantages, difficulties and obstacles in the application of the portal as a rating and self-evaluation tool by the students. The survey, which constitutes the second part of a major research within the context of master thesis, was conducted in the second semester of 2016-2017 school year using anonymous written and electronic questionnaires, filled in by 215 elementary education teachers of all specialties from the first educational area of Athens. Most respondents are cautious about the benefits of using eportfolio, drawing attention to caution, lack of culture as barriers to its implementation, as well as basic problems such as lack of appropriate classroom infrastructure and the absense of eportfolio-related training.
Eportfolio, Student assessment, Advantages of Eportfolio, Disadvantages of Eportfolio
Haralabous, A., & Darra, M. (2019). Advantages and Disadvantages of Eportfolio Implementation in Primary Education. The European Educational Researcher, 2(1), 1-15.
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