The European Educational Researcher

E-learning in Times of Radical Uncertainty

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2024, pp. 53-58
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1493 DOWNLOADS: 592 Publication date: 15 Feb 2024
As teachers and teacher educators in the United States, we offer this editorial based on our lived experiences with the political, social, and environmental precarities where we live. Among these precarities are our looming U.S. presidential election after the last one included a plot by bad actors to abscond with our State’s electoral votes, our constant struggle for water in a desert state, and our weak overall internet connectivity. We call our wonderings about how we are living in and somehow surviving these times, radical uncertainties. In this editorial, we canvas radical uncertainties related to e-learning about digital literacies, generative text, datafication, and the camera gaze. Alongside these uncertainties, we offer alternative avenues for collective thinking based on Chicana Feminist epistemologies. We intend for readers to consider how local knowing can and should inform e-learning planning and practice.
digital literacies, generative AI, datafication, camera gaze in e-learning, chicana-feminist indigenous epistemologies, radical uncertainty
Rice, M. F., Argüello de Jesús, J. T., DePascal, N., McFeely, H. M., Heaviland, L., & Traylor, A. (2024). E-learning in Times of Radical Uncertainty. The European Educational Researcher, 7(1), 53-58.
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