Early Pregnancy Determining and Repercussion Analysis at Schools in Parakou
The European Educational Researcher, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2020, pp. 39-51
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1040 DOWNLOADS: 372 Publication date: 15 Jun 2022
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1040 DOWNLOADS: 372 Publication date: 15 Jun 2022
In order to know the reasons why the pregnancy phenomenon is increasing at schools, this study focused on early pregnancy determining and repercussion analysis at schools in Benin. The principal data have been collected from three public secondary schools in Benin. Descriptive analysis and frequencies using have been used to analyze the data. After the analysis of collected data, results show that having sex without condoms, parents’ poverty are the principal causes of early pregnancy. The majority (48.4%) of pregnant girls are 15 or 17 years old and all the pregnancies concern the girls of first cycle (first form to fourth form) based on non-desire pregnancy. The consequences of this phenomenon are on the health, society and schools.
Early pregnancy, Repercussion analysis, School pregnancies
EL-HADJ IMOROU, S. (2020). Early Pregnancy Determining and Repercussion Analysis at Schools in Parakou. The European Educational Researcher, 3(2), 39-51. https://doi.org/10.31757/euer.321
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