The European Educational Researcher

Gender differences in entrepreneurship studies

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2024, pp. 31-52
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 998 DOWNLOADS: 995 Publication date: 15 Feb 2024
The purpose of this study is to examine gender differences in entrepreneurial competencies and self-efficacy among middle school students in an entrepreneurship program. The study evaluates teamwork, innovation, marketing, feasibility, and impact skills. It also measures entrepreneurial self-efficacy pre-post program. Previous research shows that entrepreneurship is perceived as a male domain, yet girls exhibit strengths in skills like collaboration, creativity, and practical planning that predict entrepreneurial success. However, lower self-efficacy among girls undermines entrepreneurial interest despite proficiencies. Assessing multidimensional competencies beyond narrow metrics reveals overlooked potential in girls. Results of this study show that girls outperformed boys consistently across competencies, but boys had higher self-efficacy gains. This highlights the need to build broader skill sets and address biases that restrict girls from developing entrepreneurial self-concepts despite genuine capabilities. Fostering gender-inclusive learning and diverse role models can help girls translate competencies into greater self-efficacy. Providing equal skill-building opportunities and assessments capturing the full spectrum of entrepreneurial strengths is critical to tap the potential of both genders and achieve a gender-balanced entrepreneurial learning.
Entrepreneurship education, gender differences, entrepreneurial competencies, self-efficacy
Rotnitsky, I., Ukrop, S., Yavich, R., & Davidovitch, N. (2024). Gender differences in entrepreneurship studies. The European Educational Researcher, 7(1), 31-52.
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