The European Educational Researcher

Student Teachers’ Assessments Involving Three Role Groups: Challenges and Possibilities

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 1, Issue 2, October 2018, pp. 77-97
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1119 DOWNLOADS: 436 Publication date: 15 Oct 2018
Evidence and use of standards have become buzz words in teacher education. In order to satisfy the policy requirements, meet accreditation standards, and respond to the critics of traditional routes of teacher preparation, teacher educators are attempting to balance their program philosophy with state and national standards in designing their assessment systems. Using a mixed methods design, this study examined the use of an assessment instrument by three role groups in the student teaching semester and the purposes these assessment data fulfilled for the student teaching triad, the teacher education program, and the policy makers. The findings of this study highlight the difficulties involved in creating standards for assessment in teacher education such that they inform the practice of teacher education, are valid indicators of student teachers’ knowledge, performance, and dispositions, and reflect the effectiveness of teacher education programs.
Teacher education, Teacher education assessments, Teacher education policy
Bhatnagar, R. (2018). Student Teachers’ Assessments Involving Three Role Groups: Challenges and Possibilities. The European Educational Researcher, 1(2), 77-97.
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