Types of Game-Based Learning in Education: A brief state of the art and the implementation in Greece
The European Educational Researcher, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2020, pp. 87-100
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1845 DOWNLOADS: 920 Publication date: 15 Jun 2020
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1845 DOWNLOADS: 920 Publication date: 15 Jun 2020
The interest towards game-based learning (GBL) is continuously growing worldwide. However, several countries still face difficulties to efficiently implement GBL approaches in their Educational Institutions. This literature review is focused on the identification of the main types of GBL approaches that have been recently implemented in educational contexts, by providing one representative game-example for each case. The study also examines the implementation of GBL in educational contexts in Greece, identifying game-based learning popular tools and approaches. A qualitative content analysis is used to investigate the general characteristics of the identified GBL types and the representative example-games, as well as the main benefits and drawbacks that render GBL implementation impracticable in several countries. Overall, this study contributes in the research attempt towards the recognition of the main GBL types, focusing on their drawbacks or other features that seem to affect their broad implementation in several countries and educational contexts.
Educational games, Examples of Game-based learning, Drawbacks of Game-based learning, Game-based learning in Greece, Types of Game-based learning
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