The European Educational Researcher

Reflections on ChatGPT in the field of Social Sciences: A Bibliometric Study

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2025, pp. 5-28
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 252 DOWNLOADS: 87 Publication date: 10 Feb 2025
The main objective of this article is to search into the exploration of the ChatGPT trend in the field of Social Sciences, focusing on its trend and its widespread global application in the digital era. It is noted that ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system that utilizes the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model developed by OpenAI. Emphasis is placed on ChatGPT ‘s application in various disciplines, such as medicine, education, cell biology, and biotechnology. This suggests that it has a broad range of applications in the field of Social Sciences. The methodology used is based on the analysis of articles related to ChatGPT in English and in the Scopus database a bibliometric study. 220 articles were selected about Social Sciences. Additionally, co-occurrence maps of keywords were conducted for the analysis, using the VOSviewer software, for the evaluation of the structure, conceptual evolution, and trends of ChatGPT following related publications.  The research includes four study phases: (i) search criteria of the research field; (ii) search and selection of documents; (iii) software and data extraction; and (iv) analysis of results and trends. In conclusion, ChatGPT represents a paradigm shift in social sciences by bridging technology with human inquiry, fostering innovation, and redefining traditional research practices. However, ethical considerations such as bias mitigation and responsible integration remain critical for its sustainable use.
Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT 3.0, Bibliometrics review, Scopus, Chabots, Keywords analyses, Science mapping, VOSviewer
García-Carreño, I. (2025). Reflections on ChatGPT in the field of Social Sciences: A Bibliometric Study. The European Educational Researcher, 8(1), 5-28.
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