The European Educational Researcher

Teacher Recruitment, Motivation and Retention at Rural Schools in Namibia

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 127-144
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 2473 DOWNLOADS: 1832 Publication date: 15 Jun 2019
Teacher motivation is an integral part of the success of the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors underlying teacher recruitment, motivation and retention within a rural context. A case study design was employed as a methodology for the study. The collected data was analysed by establishing themes and emerging categories. The study established that teachers at rural schools were motivated by crucial work-related factors which were both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature. Employment opportunities, family background, leadership, rural environment and support services were some of the major factors motivating teacher to be recruited and retained with rural school teaching. The study recommended that school leaders should acquire a holistic understanding of the diverse factors motivating teachers, so that they can nurture these factors and motivate teachers appropriately. This will ensure that rural schools remains with motivated teaching personnel for improved performance.
Recruitment, Retention, Rural areas, Rural schools
Shikalepo, E. E. (2019). Teacher Recruitment, Motivation and Retention at Rural Schools in Namibia. The European Educational Researcher, 2(2), 127-144.
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