The European Educational Researcher

Teachers’ Attitudes to Use of Advanced Technological Tools as Teaching and Learning Aids: From an Inter-Generational Perspective

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 4, Issue 3, October 2021, pp. 329-354
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1106 DOWNLOADS: 815 Publication date: 15 Nov 2021
This study examines the perceptions and attitudes of teachers towards tablets as pedagogical aids from an intergenerational perspective. It is based on sociological theories and definitions that emphasize the disparities and the uniqueness of each “generation” as well as customary teaching and learning methods. The study compares teachers from Generation Y and Generation X and it was carried out about one year from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when all teachers regardless of “generation” were required to teach digitally. We focused on a common digital tool, the tablet, which enables diverse learning methods. A questionnaire was administered to teachers in the Israeli educational system (N = 154). The research findings showed that teachers from Generation Y (aged 26-42) have more positive general attitudes towards the use of tablets as an integral part of the study program and identify more advantages and less disadvantages than their Generation X colleagues (ages 43-65). The current research findings were compatible with research findings regarding the general attitudes of teachers towards innovative technologies and their integration in study programs in educational systems worldwide. The practical meaning of the study is that it is important to continue leading programs for integrating advanced technological appliances, and not only tablets, in the curriculum, as the generation of teachers who will be responsible for educating the younger generations and for leading these programs in particular is from the age group that has the most positive attitudes towards the subject
Educational System, Generation X, Generation Y, “Smart” Cellular Technology, Use of Tablets, Teacher Attitudes.
Yavich, R., & Davidovitch, N. (2021). Teachers’ Attitudes to Use of Advanced Technological Tools as Teaching and Learning Aids: From an Inter-Generational Perspective. The European Educational Researcher, 4(3), 329-354.
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