The European Educational Researcher

The role of feedback type and peer interaction on knowledge acquisition in a flipped classroom on social science research methods

The European Educational Researcher, Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2024, pp. 21-40
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 691 DOWNLOADS: 513 Publication date: 15 Jun 2024
The flipped classroom approach has increasingly been implemented in higher education and has shown promise for enhancing learning processes across many domains. Within this instructional method, learners use certain learning materials to prepare for in-class lessons focusing on deeper understanding and application of knowledge. Both feedback as well as peer interaction are known to be able to facilitate such higher-order processing. However, questions remain on to what extent they can enhance the effectiveness of flipped classrooms in higher education. To examine these questions, we employed a 2x2 quasi-experimental design in a flipped classroom course on empirical research methods in the social sciences (N = 105). We investigated the effects of type of feedback (knowledge of correct response vs. elaborated) during a quiz on declarative knowledge and peer interaction during an application-oriented exercise (individual learning vs. cooperative learning). Elaborated feedback exerted a significant, medium-sized effect on declarative and application-oriented knowledge. A mediation analysis showed that about half of the effect of type of feedback on application-oriented knowledge was mediated by declarative knowledge. Results implicate elaborated feedback as an effective tool to foster declarative knowledge acquisition in flipped classrooms. Subsequently, this process also positively influenced the formation of application-oriented knowledge during the in-class learning phases.
flipped classroom, feedback, peer interaction, application-oriented knowledge, higher education
Schlag, R., Stegmann, K., & Sailer, M. (2024). The role of feedback type and peer interaction on knowledge acquisition in a flipped classroom on social science research methods. The European Educational Researcher, 7(2), 21-40.
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